Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ A Slip to Die For by William Maltese

A Slip to Die For by William Maltese

A Slip to Die For

A Slip to Die For by William Maltese PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

STUD DRAQUAL RETURNS! Someone had not only killed the writer, who'd been an "underground" movie star, model, hustler, and cross-dresser, but had also murdered the borderline drunk, who'd been a TV-network executive and anchorman for the evening news. Each corpse had been carefully draped in Draqualian silk, a very special silk created by very special silkworms who ate very special mulberry leaves. Stud Draqual knew all about the silk, and knew the dead men too. Two things were immediately clear: the killings weren't accidental, and they were both connected directly to Studand he needed to be very careful indeed to penetrate the mystery without being murdered himself!

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