Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Reinforced Periodontal Instrumentation and Ergonomics for the Dental Care Provider by Diane Millar

Reinforced Periodontal Instrumentation and Ergonomics for the Dental Care Provider by Diane Millar

Reinforced Periodontal Instrumentation and Ergonomics for the Dental Care Provider

Reinforced Periodontal Instrumentation and Ergonomics for the Dental Care Provider by Diane Millar PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This flip-chart book contains full-color photographs and step-by-step instructions demonstrating new, more efficient and ergonomic techniques for scaling teeth. These reinforced instrumentation techniques utilize both hands while scaling to apply more lateral pressure to the blade and increase control.

Reinforced instrumentation techniques for each area of the mouth are shown. Each page presents photos comparing the ideal reinforcement technique with the conventional technique, shows how to implement protective ergonomic hand, wrist, arm, and sitting/standing positions, and demonstrates the use of magnification to see the working area clearly. The book also includes tips on stretching to help prevent cumulative trauma disorders.

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