Jumat, 11 April 2014

PDF⋙ An Introduction to America's Music (Second Edition) by Richard Crawford, Larry Hamberlin

An Introduction to America's Music (Second Edition) by Richard Crawford, Larry Hamberlin

An Introduction to America's Music (Second Edition)

An Introduction to America's Music (Second Edition) by Richard Crawford, Larry Hamberlin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An ear-opening exploration of music’s New World, from Puritan psalmody to mash-ups.

Richard Crawford and Larry Hamberlin show how the lively interactions between the folk, popular, and classical spheres have made American music resonate with audiences around the world. Students will learn how to listen critically to eighty-eight pieces in all the major styles and genres, while gaining a clearer understanding of music's role in the history of American society, business, and technology.

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