Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Desperate for His Presence: God's Design to Transform Your Life and Your City by Rhonda Hughey

Desperate for His Presence: God's Design to Transform Your Life and Your City by Rhonda Hughey

Desperate for His Presence: God's Design to Transform Your Life and Your City

Desperate for His Presence: God's Design to Transform Your Life and Your City by Rhonda Hughey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Desperate for His Presence will help intercessors, pastors, and leaders tap into God's heart for churches and cities, in order to bring about citywide revival. As the church rekindles her passion for her first love, Jesus Christ, the book will become a true agent of transformation. From her experiences in Argentina and Guildford, England, Rhonda Hughey, director of City Transformation Ministry at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, relates what happens to cities when churches are radically transformed by the passion of Christ.

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