Liquid Soapmaking: Tips, Techniques and Recipes for Creating All Manner of Liquid and Soft Soap Naturally! by Jackie Thompson
Liquid Soapmaking: Tips, Techniques and Recipes for Creating All Manner of Liquid and Soft Soap Naturally! by Jackie Thompson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In "Liquid Soapmaking" you will find clear explanations accompanied by full color photography, tables and charts illustrating how to: a) Successfully create sparkling clear soaps quickly and easily every time. b) Formulate liquid soap so you never have to dissolve a stubborn soap paste again. c) Make the most luxuriously thick shower gels ever. d) Color, fragrance and thicken your liquid soap. e) Add nutritive value with herbal extracts and infusions. f) Extend the shelf life and stability of your soap. g) Formulate your own recipes.From reader reviews:
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