Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ 50 Hikes in the Berkshire Hills (Explorer's 50 Hikes) by Lauren R. Stevens

50 Hikes in the Berkshire Hills (Explorer's 50 Hikes) by Lauren R. Stevens

50 Hikes in the Berkshire Hills (Explorer's 50 Hikes)

50 Hikes in the Berkshire Hills (Explorer's 50 Hikes) by Lauren R. Stevens PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Hikes and walks all around Western Massachusetts 

Often compared to the English Lake District, the Berkshires abound with country lanes, scenic vistas, and forest trails for hikers and strollers of all abilities. Lauren R. Stevens has written about the Berkshires for more than 30 years, and 50 Hikes in the Berkshire Hills collects some of the best day hikes, overnights, and scenic walks into a compact and accessible guide. Hikes range from flat rambles through some of the region's most famous villages to the area's longest hikes along the Appalachian and Mohawk Trails. Featuring full-color photographs, maps, and elevation profiles, this is the only guide you'll need to enjoy one of New England's most beautiful regions. 50 color photographs

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